Earn smart with ATAS for the BluSky
Get a free ATAS license
for the BluSky
Get a free ATAS license
for the BluSky
What’s next?
1. Register your ATAS account by filing the form above
2. Download and install ATAS for Windows
3. Launch the platform using the login and password received by email after registration
4. Connect BluSky account. No account opened? You can register it here
5. Evaluate your trading and get a funded account
How to install ATAS platform on Windows?
More detailed instructions for the ATAS platform installation you can find in our Knowledge Base.
How to connect BluSky account?
First, you should start the ATAS platform to connect your BluSky account.
On the Authorization window, enter your login and password received by email after registration in the form above.
⚠️ The login credentials from the atas.net website will not be valid.
To connect your account, click on the “Connections” button in the platform’s main menu, then click the “Add” button.
On the next window, select Rithmic as the data provider for your BluSky account, and click “Next.”
If you do not have a BluSky account yet – you can open it by filling the form above.
Enter your login and password provided by BluSky and click “Finish”.
If you want to connect your account automatically every time you start the platform, check the box under the “Auto connect” column and click the “Connect” button.
All set. Your BluSky account is now connected, and you can start trading!
Are there any limitations for such a license?
When using ATAS license for Blusky, only BluSky evaluation accounts can be connected to the platform (Evaluation and BluLive).
Can I use this license for a BluSky funded account?
This license type is for the BluSky qualification only and cannot be used for a BluSky Live Brokerage accounts.
DISCLAIMER: Trading on the financial markets is often accompanied by a high level of risk. The product of our company is the software that gives an opportunity to get an additional data for market analysis. The client, in turn, uses the data at his/her own discretion. Any information provided on this site is for informative purposes only and not to be construed as a recommendation for trading operations.