Technical Analysis

Widening spread: what is it and how to use it

Widening spread: what is it and how to use it?

Why does a spread widen? A beginner trader may have this question, but even an experienced stock trader would struggle to give a full answer.  Let’s try to figure out a widening spread together: What is a spread? Why does it widen? How to identify a widening spread? Dangerous features of a widening spread How […]

Finding reversals on Delta Charts with a VZO indicator

Volume Zone Oscillator (VZO) is one of the tools used for volume analysis. Of course, it is present in the ATAS trading and analytical platform, which specializes in  volume analysis.  In this practical article, we will talk about how to use VZO in combination with other platform functionality, and more specifically with Delta-type Charts. Read ahead: […]

Магия 50%.

Why the 50% level works: hypotheses and examples

50% level is a simple technique that can be used by any beginner trader. At the same time, it is very effective – the professionals’ experience can confirm this.  By using 50% levels, traders can find entry and exit points to improve the accuracy of trading decisions and reduce risks. In this article, we have […]

Истощение давления продаж или покупок в трейдинге

Exhaustion of buying or selling pressure

Отскоки в трейдинге. Что такое отскок дохой кошки

Bounce in training. What is a Dead Cat Bounce?

Head and Shoulders Pattern in trading. How to trade a reverse pattern like a Pro?

Head and Shoulders Pattern in trading

Divergences in trading. Types, meanings.

Divergences in trading. Types, meanings & strategies

Всё про ТА. Технический анализ рынка

Everything about Technical analysis of the market

This article is as extensive as the subject itself – Technical Analysis (TA) of the market. That is why it’s quite possible that, while speaking about TA, we can miss something, which can be interesting for you. If this happens, please, ask questions in the comments or contact us in any way possible. We will […]