New changes on CME trading session

Since Monday, September 21, 2015, the break on CME Globex will begin 15 minutes earlier (from Monday to Thursday) from 16.00 to 16.45 CT (the time of trading break).

Considering these changes, closure time of the following exchanges or instruments will begin 15 minutes earlier from Monday to Thursday (now at 16.00 CT):

  • CME Equity
  • CBOT Equity
  • NYMEX 

At the same time settlement’s time will remain unchanged, at 15.15 CT.

The new schedule of CME Equity:

  • The 15-minutes break will occur from 15.15 to 15.30 CT;
  • Trading will restart at 15.30 CT for half an hour (30 minutes) – it is considered to be a continuation of the current session. Trading session will end at 16.00 CT including Friday. This means that from now on the closure time of CME Globex trading week will change – henceforth, closing will be at 16.00 CT;
  • Orders passed between 15.30 and 16.00 CT, will be subjected to the daily settlement prices, calculated at 15.15 ( the settlement’s time does not change);
  • Trading of instruments of CME Equity and CBOT Equity Index Futures and Options will be closed from 16.00 to 17.00 CT.
  • Trading will restart at 17:00 (from Sunday to Thursday) – it is (Sunday) is the beginning of a new session.

The full schedule can be seen in the specifications of instruments on CME site >>

What does this mean for the overnight margin?

New time of entry of nightlife margin (initial margin) is effective for CME Equity, CBOT Equity, COMEX and NYMEX now at 16:00 CT. Keep this in mind calculating risks and WP (warranty provision) to not “grab” margin call.