Trade crypto on the Bitget exchange directly from ATAS

Trade crypto on the Bitget exchange directly from ATAS

Dear friends, we have good news: a new exchange is available in ATAS! If you are interested in trading cryptocurrency futures, the Bitget connector will expand your options. Read in the article: What the Bitget crypto exchange is How to connect to Bitget through ATAS: a step-by-step instruction with screenshots How to start trading cryptocurrencies […]

What is Ripple? How to trade XRPUSD?

XRP is a digital asset that consistently ranks among the top ten largest cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization. The trading volume of the XRP coin exceeds $1 billion per day. What is special about XRP? The main information about Ripple that novice cryptocurrency traders need to know is in this overview article. Read more: The […]

Cardano. What cryptocurrency is it and how to trade ADA

Cardano. What cryptocurrency is it and how to trade ADA

Cardano is a public blockchain platform named after the Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano. At the time of writing this article (autumn 2022), Cardano has the 8th place among all cryptocurrencies by capitalization according to Coinmarketcap. At the same time, Cardano has ambitions to surpass both Bitcoin and Ethereum which have the first positions in the […]

What the Binance Coin is. How to trade BNB

The topic of our today’s article is Binance Coin (BNB).  We already wrote about Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin. In contrast with them, BNB is a coin issued by the largest cryptocurrency exchange. What are specific features of BNB? These and other issues are described in this article in simple words: what Binance is; interesting facts […]

Should we expect the Bitcoin growth in 2022_

Should we expect the Bitcoin growth in 2022?

We wrote a year ago that the year 2021 had all chances to become successful for the cryptocurrency market. We can state that our optimism was completely verified. Let’s briefly sum up the results of the year 2021 and try to look into the year 2022 in order to make an effort to assess the […]

Ethereum and Ether. What you should know before investing in ETH

Ethereum and Ether. What you should know before investing

What is Ethereum and what is Ether? In everyday usage, Ether and Ethereum are synonyms, although they are not exactly the same. Ethereum is a complex decentralized platform of applications based on the blockchain technology. In simple words, Ethereum is a big database with a publicly available source code. The official web-site of the platform […]

Everything you need to know about Litecoin. How to invest in LTC

How to invest in Litecoin (LTC)?

Bitcoin frequently asked questions

Bitcoin frequently asked questions

Cryptocurrency trading 10 ways to make money

Cryptocurrency trading: 10 ways to make money and 1 way to lose

We, in the Orderflowtrading company, are not big fans of gambling, that is why we will forecast probability:

Review of special resources for cryptocurrency traders

Review of special resources for cryptocurrency traders