Traders Glossary

Every professional environment has special words, apparent only to those who have acted in this environment for a long time. Trading is not an exception. That is why we developed this trader’s glossary to help beginners. It contains the basic terminology of traders who trade stocks in the stock market. We also added the exchange […]

How to Track Smart Money in Trading

4 Tips for Tracking Smart Money

The term smart money has become firmly established in the vocabulary of traders, but it can also be accompanied by some misunderstandings. This article will help eliminate them. Read more: Smart money in trading: what is it? How to spot traces of smart money on a chart Tip 1. Stay informed about the news Tip […]

American stock indices_ CME Micro Contracts or Forex CFD_

American stock indices: CME Micro Contracts or Forex CFD?

Nasdaq, S&P500, Dow Jones – futures (what futures are) on American stock indices are one of the most popular markets in the world.

Useful resources for traders

In this article, we will review useful resources, which will be of service when trading stocks and futures. They will serve as a source of data when planning the trading, studying the market and in everyday activity. First, let’s put the existing types of resources in order: Information resources. News resources. Statistical resources. Analytical resources. […]

The Auction Market Theory. The most important things

The market profile trading becomes more and more popular among traders nowadays. The Auction Market Theory (AMT) lies in the basis of the market profile. We already discussed the market profile subject when we wrote about horizontal volumes and about how to improve trading using the market profile. Let’s continue elaboration of this subject.

Natural gas price dynamics. Chart. Analysis.

Natural gas futures (NG) is: the third world biggest commodity delivery futures contract by volume; widely used as a national natural gas benchmark price and the most important world energy source; allowing market participants carrying out hedging for risk management, connected with the natural gas price volatility, caused by the demand.