Tag Archive for: Tips for beginner traders

Types of frameworks in the ATAS platform and how to apply them

Types of frameworks in the atas platform and how to apply them

Traditional price charts (timeframes) use fixed time periods. Is it the only reasonable way to build charts? Should we consider charts that ignore the course of time? In this article, we will consider some alternative types of frames of the ATAS platform. Charts, represented by these frames, are built on the basis of volume and […]

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

We have covered quite a number of trading topics in our blog for the past several years. These were the articles of a wide spectrum encompassing both the advanced Footprint chart of the ATAS platform and exchange trading in general, and trading psychology and even the cryptocurrency market, which gains popularity. While preparing our articles, we […]

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 2.

Dear Friends! Today we continue our story about secrets of successful traders, which we started in the first part of the article. When coming to the Forex, futures or stock market, beginner traders focus on the search for an efficient trading strategy and development of skills of its application. This is quite natural. However, are […]

How to read brokerage statements

Reading brokerage statements is, surely, not one of the most entertaining activities, but it is important for the sound capital management. If you do not read or do not understand brokerage statements, which you receive by email in the end of the day, you might leave unnoticed dangers that threaten your portfolio, mistakes or even […]

Почему стоит вести дневник трейдера

Why it is worth to keep a diary

A successful trader Douglas E. Zalesky was a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) for more than 20 years and successfully traded stock indices and bond futures. According to Douglass, 90% of a trader’s success depends on the discipline.

Trading for beginners. First steps on the exchange.

“You can be a free man. You can live and work anywhere in the world, be independent from routine and not answer to anybody. This is the life of a successful trader. Many aspire to it but few succeed” (Alexander Elder)

Core mathematics for Forex traders Part 2

Today we will continue to get you acquainted with core mathematics for Forex traders. In the first part of the article we considered a number of important but simple mathematical formulas, required for assessment of trading efficiency in the Forex currency market. In the second part we will complete the review, which would help you […]

How to become an intraday trader three steps for a beginner

How to become an intraday trader: three steps for a beginner

Intraday trading is one of the most popular types of trading, where a trader opens and closes trades within one trading day. Thus, a trader controls his open positions within the intraday trading strategy and doesn’t transfer trades to the next day. Traders actively apply intraday trading in the Forex currency, futures and stock markets.

The Auction Market Theory. The most important things

The market profile trading becomes more and more popular among traders nowadays. The Auction Market Theory (AMT) lies in the basis of the market profile. We already discussed the market profile subject when we wrote about horizontal volumes and about how to improve trading using the market profile. Let’s continue elaboration of this subject.