Tag Archive for: Tips for beginner traders

Fractality. What the principle of fractality is

Mandelbrot fractal (in the picture above) is, perhaps, the most famous fractal among the wider community. It was named after a person who, as it is believed, made the biggest contribution into the study of the principle of fractality. In his book ‘The Fractal Geometry of Nature’ (1982), Benoit Mandelbrot introduced the term fractals and […]

Capital management

Capital management

Beginner traders often neglect capital management. It is a big mistake. They are more often interested in ‘when to enter into the market’ and less often ‘when to exit from the market’. In other words, the trading system rules are in the first place. More experienced traders start to pay due attention to risk management […]

Financial market structure

How the financial market is structured

Stop loss fear

There is a term on the trader’s slang – FOBSO (Fear Of Being Stopped Out). In simple words it means the fear of activation of a stop loss. In this article we will speak about: why traders experience the stop loss fear; how to fight it; how to derive benefit in situations when others experience […]

Top 5 books on investing

History always repeats itself and the financial market is not an exception, but a part of the rule. Great ascents of traders, distinguished companies and whole markets take place for the same reasons as it was 100 years back. The same is true for great crashes. If you study the experience of distinguished traders and […]

Currency Pairs How to Select and Trade

Currency Pairs: How to Select and Trade?

Currency pairs are an instrument, which, as a rule, the people that study financial markets come across for the first time. It happens because we all see currency exchange rates in the currency exchange booths and it is easier for us to understand this financial asset. However, it is not that simple. Currency pair quotes […]

Forward Contract

Forward Contract