Volume Analysis

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a russell 2000 e-mini)

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a russell 2000 e-mini)

In this article we will consider yet another strategy of applying the Footprint chart, this time for trading in the Russell 2000 E-mini market, which is quite popular among retail traders. The main reason for its popularity is that a lot of price movements and reversals take place in it. It facilitates emergence of wonderful […]


Imbalance: trade on the side of superior forces

This war ended after just being started. From the first shot until the total victory of Britain, the Zanzibar troops managed to protect their positions for about 38 minutes. Zanzibar commanders definitely didn’t estimate imbalance in forces before they got into the shortest war in world history. Since buyers and sellers fight in the market, […]

футпринт поглощение

Absorption of demand and supply in the footprint chart

Independent from what market you trade in, whether it is the Forex, futures or stock market, you will face absorption of minor market participants by major market participants every day. Today we will show you how this absorption looks like on a simple example of a Bid x Ask Volume Profile Footprint chart of the […]

How not to miss a Trend Reversal

How not to miss a Trend Reversal?

The Forex, futures and stock markets, as well as any car highway, are not a straight line from point A to point B. There are certain signs in the financial market, like there are signs on transport routes. In trading, the signs are those signals, which point to changes of the movement direction or trend […]

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a currency futures)

We already wrote in our blog in detail about the most popular currency futures contracts, such as: EUR futures and GBP futures. Today we will go further and consider a simple but efficient strategy of using the Footprint through the example of one of these futures contracts. In this article: Advantage of the currency futures market. Basic principles. […]

Support and Resistance. Mirror levels. Trading strategy

Support and resistance levels are, no doubt, the most frequently used concepts of the market analysis. Support and resistance are used both in the classical technical analysis and in progressive directions – analysis of clusters, deltas and profiles. In this article, we will tell you not only about the classical side of application of the […]

Как определить точку входа на бирже?

How to identify an entry point on an exchange?

An entry point in trading is a point of opening a position at the price, which was previously identified or calculated in accordance with a trading strategy (how to develop a trading strategy). The best entry point is the point which ensures low risk and high profit. We will speak in this article about how […]

Market profiles: 3 things that can improve your trading.

Market profiles: 3 things that can improve your trading

Any retail trader can get an access to a wide spectrum of professional analytical instruments thanks to state-of-the-art developments, implemented in the trading and analytical ATAS platform. Today we will speak about the Market Profiles, one of the indispensable indicators of the volume analysis of the market. Of course, it requires a thorough study as […]

Strategy of using the footprint through the example of dax.

Strategy of using the footprint through the example of dax.

Dax is a German stock index, calculated on the basis of 30 stocks of the biggest and most liquid German companies. It is a very volatile instrument, which provides traders with wide trading opportunities. You may efficiently apply practically any of the footprint strategies, described in previous articles, in the Dax market. This index is […]