Natural gas price dynamics. Chart. Analysis.

Natural gas futures (NG) is: the third world biggest commodity delivery futures contract by volume; widely used as a national natural gas benchmark price and the most important world energy source; allowing market participants carrying out hedging for risk management, connected with the natural gas price volatility, caused by the demand.

What futures and a futures contract are

What futures and a futures contract are

Futures trading always was a profitable business, even before exchanges emerged. The earliest mention of a futures operation can be found in Politics by Aristotle, written as early as in 335-322 BC. Aristotle narrates a story about a wise man from Miletus named Thales who pulled a clever trick.

9 popular strategies of option trading on CME

What are options? How to trade them? What are advantages and disadvantages of option trading on an exchange? What are risks and benefits? This article, which is based on the knowledge of a trader with more than 20 years of exchange trading experience, will help you to find correct answers. First, let us figure out […]

Specific features of the gold futures and trading ideas.

Specific features of the gold futures and trading ideas.

Do you know about one incredible opinion of Australian scientists that the gold is formed from water under the impact of earthquakes? However, according to other sources, the gold have accumulated on the Earth from fallen meteorites. How then the gold got into our bodies, since there is 0.2 milligrams of gold in each of […]

A must-read trading book

A must-read trading book

Advantages and disadvantages of trading on the Moscow Exchange

“October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.” Mark Twain

What influences oil futures trading most of all.

What influences oil futures trading most of all.

Oil futures are consistently among volatility leaders on the Moscow Exchange forward market. On an average trading day, the trading volume reaches 400 thousand executed contracts on the amount of RUB 20 billion (not million!) and more.


What options are. 5 examples

Options are a sophisticated financial instrument that is why even if we try to explain what options are in simple terms, it would be quite difficult to understand it anyway. Especially when it comes to options hedging.



Hedging currency, bank, price and credit risks – what is it and what is it for? Internet is full of articles about hedging, but they are either too mind-bending or too light-minded. We wrote this article to explore the topic in full and in clear words.