Tag Archive for: Tips for beginner traders

Organizational structure of the exchange

Organizational structure of the exchange

We already wrote about principles of the financial exchange. We will consider this subject in more detail today. We will speak about the stock exchange structure concept in this information article for beginners: what a stock exchange is; its functions; interesting facts and the history of the establishment of exchanges in the world; organizational structure […]

Trading session opening time. Schedule

Trading session opening time. Schedule

Trading sessions are periods of time when trades can be executed on the exchange. We wrote in the article about the exchange organizational structure that trading on the New York Stock Exchange is opened with the Opening Bell. So, a time period from the opening bell to the closing bell is a trading session. If […]

Diversification. How to diversify risks and

Diversification. How to diversify risks and portfolio

In this small article we will explain to you: What diversification is? Why it could be ‘naive’? How to protect your investment portfolio against risks with the help of diversification?

Three worst periods of time for trading

Everyone wants to know at what price it makes sense to buy or sell one or another financial instrument whether it is a currency pair in the Forex market, a futures contract on a commodity exchange or stocks in the stock market. The truth is that the trading is both understanding the moments when you […]

How do ‘good’ orders become ‘bad’ orders

How do ‘good’ orders become ‘bad’ orders?

Elaboration of understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the orders used by a trader in trading in the financial markets is an extremely important step on the way to success. Otherwise, a trader will bear losses even in, at first sight, simple situations. For example, he can forget to control the relevance of the […]

Types of frames in the ATAS platform. Part 2.

What a margin is

What a margin is?

What is a margin? This term is rather frequently used in economics, commerce and trading, but it means something different in each case. That is why, in order to avoid confusion and mess, this article explains all meanings of the term margin.

Как определить точку входа на бирже?

How to identify an entry point on an exchange?

An entry point in trading is a point of opening a position at the price, which was previously identified or calculated in accordance with a trading strategy (how to develop a trading strategy). The best entry point is the point which ensures low risk and high profit. We will speak in this article about how […]

Types of frameworks in the ATAS platform and how to apply them

Types of frameworks in the atas platform and how to apply them

Traditional price charts (timeframes) use fixed time periods. Is it the only reasonable way to build charts? Should we consider charts that ignore the course of time? In this article, we will consider some alternative types of frames of the ATAS platform. Charts, represented by these frames, are built on the basis of volume and […]

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

10 secrets of successful traders. Part 1.

We have covered quite a number of trading topics in our blog for the past several years. These were the articles of a wide spectrum encompassing both the advanced Footprint chart of the ATAS platform and exchange trading in general, and trading psychology and even the cryptocurrency market, which gains popularity. While preparing our articles, we […]