Tag Archive for: Tips for beginner traders

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

Losses are an integral part of trading. All traders heard the advice to exit loss-making trades as soon as possible and to stay in profit-making trades as long as possible. This advice is easy to make but difficult to implement in real life.

What futures and a futures contract are

What futures and a futures contract are

Futures trading always was a profitable business, even before exchanges emerged. The earliest mention of a futures operation can be found in Politics by Aristotle, written as early as in 335-322 BC. Aristotle narrates a story about a wise man from Miletus named Thales who pulled a clever trick.

9 popular strategies of option trading on CME

What are options? How to trade them? What are advantages and disadvantages of option trading on an exchange? What are risks and benefits? This article, which is based on the knowledge of a trader with more than 20 years of exchange trading experience, will help you to find correct answers. First, let us figure out […]

Is it possible to learn how to trade starting from scratch?

Is it possible to learn how to trade starting from scratch?

“A person who can play the second fiddle could be a trader, but good students cannot play the second fiddle: you have to set a clear task to them” Nassim Taleb Unfortunately, the most sincere answer to the question “is it possible to learn trading from the scratch fast” is “no”. However, if we remove […]


How to become a trader from scratch. Advice from a professional

The trader profession is extremely attractive and more and more people want to become traders. This is not surprising since professional traders make good money and are masters of their time.

A must-read trading book

A must-read trading book

Advantages and disadvantages of trading on the Moscow Exchange

“October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.” Mark Twain

What influences oil futures trading most of all.

What influences oil futures trading most of all.

Oil futures are consistently among volatility leaders on the Moscow Exchange forward market. On an average trading day, the trading volume reaches 400 thousand executed contracts on the amount of RUB 20 billion (not million!) and more.

How to increase accuracy of candlestick patterns

How to increase accuracy of candlestick patterns

Japanese candlesticks emerged as early as in the 18th century. Traders from the Land of the Rising Sun made first efforts of predicting the future rice price at that time. In other words, the candlestick pattern analysis is the most ancient type of technical analysis.