Tag Archive for: Trading strategies

Trading by levels with the Big Trades, Stacked Imbalance and Speed of Tape indicators

Trading by levels with three ATAS indicators

Everything you need to know about profitable trading is 3 levels: the position entry level, the exit level (the goal, take profit) and the possible loss limitation level (the protective stop loss). We already wrote about how to look for the levels for trading with the help of the Market Profile indicator. In this article […]

Market profiles: 3 things that can improve your trading.

Market profiles: 3 things that can improve your trading

Any retail trader can get an access to a wide spectrum of professional analytical instruments thanks to state-of-the-art developments, implemented in the trading and analytical ATAS platform. Today we will speak about the Market Profiles, one of the indispensable indicators of the volume analysis of the market. Of course, it requires a thorough study as […]

Strategy of using the footprint through the example of dax.

Strategy of using the footprint through the example of dax.

Dax is a German stock index, calculated on the basis of 30 stocks of the biggest and most liquid German companies. It is a very volatile instrument, which provides traders with wide trading opportunities. You may efficiently apply practically any of the footprint strategies, described in previous articles, in the Dax market. This index is […]

5 volume trading strategies.

5 volume trading strategies. Trading with and against the trend.

In the first part of the article we discussed volume trading strategies for flat markets. After reading it, you may get ideas on how to buy and sell on an exchange if the price moves within a corridor or in a “flat manner”. So, we considered: strategy No. 1 for trading on reversals; strategy No. […]

Top 5 simple volume trading strategies

Top 5 simple volume trading strategies

Volume trading strategy is one of the most popular search queries. Google produces more than 77 million results for this query.

5 failures and 5 successes. The story of a real trader.

5 failures and 5 successes. The story of a real trader.

Hello. My name is Julia. I am from Saint-Petersburg. My trading experience is 3 years. I do the positional and intraday trading on the Moscow Exchange. In this autobiographical article I will tell you how I became a trader. I will split my story into: failures – a description of mistakes. Each failure contains a […]

The Auction Market Theory. The most important things

The market profile trading becomes more and more popular among traders nowadays. The Auction Market Theory (AMT) lies in the basis of the market profile. We already discussed the market profile subject when we wrote about horizontal volumes and about how to improve trading using the market profile. Let’s continue elaboration of this subject.

Как индикаторы ATAS улучшают популярные Форекс стратегии.

How ATAS indicators improve popular Forex strategies.

In our previous articles, which you can read here and here, we already conducted several experiments on application of a rich arsenal of the ATAS platform in order to increase profitability of trading by standard Forex strategies. Let’s continue this topic. In this article we decided to analyze only one Forex strategy. It is called […]