Tag Archive for: Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis and Cluster Search indicator

Cluster analysis and Cluster Search indicator

4 идеи как торговать пробои

4 ideas how to trade breakouts

In his book ‘Trades About to Happen: A Modern Adaptation of the Wyckoff Method’ David H. Weis gives a simple but important figure. It is called Where to Find Trades. The Figure is accompanied by a comparison which you will easily understand if you are a fisherman. Weis writes that the fish bites better at […]


Imbalance: trade on the side of superior forces

This war ended after just being started. From the first shot until the total victory of Britain, the Zanzibar troops managed to protect their positions for about 38 minutes. Zanzibar commanders definitely didn’t estimate imbalance in forces before they got into the shortest war in world history. Since buyers and sellers fight in the market, […]

футпринт поглощение

Absorption of demand and supply in the footprint chart

Independent from what market you trade in, whether it is the Forex, futures or stock market, you will face absorption of minor market participants by major market participants every day. Today we will show you how this absorption looks like on a simple example of a Bid x Ask Volume Profile Footprint chart of the […]

Support and Resistance. Mirror levels. Trading strategy

Support and resistance levels are, no doubt, the most frequently used concepts of the market analysis. Support and resistance are used both in the classical technical analysis and in progressive directions – analysis of clusters, deltas and profiles. In this article, we will tell you not only about the classical side of application of the […]

5 volume trading strategies.

5 volume trading strategies. Trading with and against the trend.

In the first part of the article we discussed volume trading strategies for flat markets. After reading it, you may get ideas on how to buy and sell on an exchange if the price moves within a corridor or in a “flat manner”. So, we considered: strategy No. 1 for trading on reversals; strategy No. […]

Top 5 simple volume trading strategies

Top 5 simple volume trading strategies

Volume trading strategy is one of the most popular search queries. Google produces more than 77 million results for this query.

Кластерный анализ и VSA. Аккумуляции и дистрибуции

Cluster analysis and VSA. Accumulations and distributions

This is the final article of the Cluster Analysis and VSA series. We considered the following in the previous articles: Bag Holding and End of Rising market patterns; No Demand and No Supply patterns; Buying and Selling climax patterns; Shakeout and Upthrust patterns. Today’s topic is Accumulations and Distributions. Two out of four stages of […]

VSA и кластерный анализ. Паттерны шейкаут и аптраст.

VSA and cluster analysis. Shakeout and upthrust patterns.

This is yet another article on VSA and cluster analysis. Earlier we spoke about: Bag Holding and End of Rising market patterns; No Demand and No Supply patterns; Buying and selling climax patterns.

What should you know when reading stock and futures price quotes?

A simple method to read stock price quotes with the clusters

It is difficult to imagine trading without price charts and running price quotes, isn’t it? Just to think that there were no charts, we are used to today, a century ago and they used chalk, board and telegraph, through which the price change data was broadcast from the exchange, to register the price. A famous […]