Tag Archive for: For new traders

9 способов правильно организовать свой прибыльный трейдинг

9 methods to organize your profitable trading correctly

Beginner traders often start trading on the exchange expecting fast and big money. They are blinded with glittering future (colourfully depicted in advertising booklets of brokers) and do not notice important and necessary things: discipline, absent-mindedness, psychology, lack of knowledge, etc. Or do not pay due attention to them. As a result – losses, nerves, […]

What common is between trading and chess playing

What common is between trading and chess playing

Trading is a business, science and game. This activity is multifaceted and, as well as any other money making activity, should be viewed from different angles for deeper understanding of what you do. Today we will consider trading from the chess point of view. It might seem that it is not correct to compare these […]

Combining analysis of the forex and futures markets.

Is it realistic to make a living trading stock?

Is it realistic to make a living trading stock? The answer is definitely yes! The only question is – how? Well, there is nothing impossible. In this article:

9 popular beginner trader mistakes

“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his errors” Marcus Tullius Cicero There are more and more people wishing to make money through exchange trading, however, only 23% of the traders achieve a positive result (average readings on American forex brokers for 2016). What are the reasons of such a disappointing […]

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

Losses are an integral part of trading. All traders heard the advice to exit loss-making trades as soon as possible and to stay in profit-making trades as long as possible. This advice is easy to make but difficult to implement in real life.

analysis of a gold futures.

Gold price analysis using volume indicators

“Without a doubt, more people follow the price of gold than any other commodity in the world” Larry Williams

Specific features of the gold futures and trading ideas.

Specific features of the gold futures and trading ideas.

Do you know about one incredible opinion of Australian scientists that the gold is formed from water under the impact of earthquakes? However, according to other sources, the gold have accumulated on the Earth from fallen meteorites. How then the gold got into our bodies, since there is 0.2 milligrams of gold in each of […]


How to become a trader from scratch. Advice from a professional

The trader profession is extremely attractive and more and more people want to become traders. This is not surprising since professional traders make good money and are masters of their time.

Trading patterns and clusters for M5

Searching candles patterns and clusters at M5 chart

Forex beginner traders tend to practice their initial knowledge opening small timeframe positions. Moreover, they usually use simple patterns, which use forex candles. This happens because: small timeframes, such as 5-minute ones, exclude long waiting. They allow immediate feeling of a faster heart beating when they see profit or loss fluctuations; forex patterns, built on […]