Tag Archive for: Technical analysis

Getting acquainted with ATAS. Trading advantages

Getting acquainted with ATAS. Trading advantages

Price, time and volume. How to analyse them?

Fractality. What the principle of fractality is

Mandelbrot fractal (in the picture above) is, perhaps, the most famous fractal among the wider community. It was named after a person who, as it is believed, made the biggest contribution into the study of the principle of fractality. In his book ‘The Fractal Geometry of Nature’ (1982), Benoit Mandelbrot introduced the term fractals and […]

Bollinger Bands. BBands indicator

We start a series of articles about technical indicators. In this article, we will tell you about Bollinger Bands. They are better known as the Bollinger Bands indicator or just BBands.

Как использовать индикатор Moving Average?

How to use the Moving Average indicator?

Можно ли совместить индикатор MACD с объемным анализом?

How to combine the MACD indicator with volume analysis

Read in this article: about the indicator developer; what the MACD indicator shows; MACD signals; description and application of the MACD indicator.