Tag Archive for: Tips for beginner traders

7 показателей для фундаментального анализа валютного рынка

7 features for the fundamental analysis of the fx market

We found this brilliant definition in one of the fundamental analysis textbooks. Fundamental analysis is what traders do not see on the screens of their terminals and in the charts. In this article we will discuss why traders need what they do not see and how the invisible hand of fundamental analysis influences price movements. What […]

Как индикаторы ATAS улучшают популярные Форекс стратегии.

How ATAS indicators improve popular Forex strategies.

In our previous articles, which you can read here and here, we already conducted several experiments on application of a rich arsenal of the ATAS platform in order to increase profitability of trading by standard Forex strategies. Let’s continue this topic. In this article we decided to analyze only one Forex strategy. It is called […]

Core mathematics for Forex traders. Part 1

Mathematics has never been a strong point for many people. That is why, when they come to the Forex market, the only thought about using mathematical formulas in trading makes them terrified. n the first part of the article we will tell you about mathematical formulas, which any Forex trader should know and understand. The […]

Exchange trading. Pros and cons of online trading. Part 2.

Exchange trading. Pros and cons of online trading. Part 2.

We learnt in the first part of the article:

Exchange trading. Pros and cons of online trading. Part 1.

Exchange trading. Pros and cons of online trading. Part 1.

9 способов правильно организовать свой прибыльный трейдинг

9 methods to organize your profitable trading correctly

Beginner traders often start trading on the exchange expecting fast and big money. They are blinded with glittering future (colourfully depicted in advertising booklets of brokers) and do not notice important and necessary things: discipline, absent-mindedness, psychology, lack of knowledge, etc. Or do not pay due attention to them. As a result – losses, nerves, […]

9 popular beginner trader mistakes

“Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his errors” Marcus Tullius Cicero There are more and more people wishing to make money through exchange trading, however, only 23% of the traders achieve a positive result (average readings on American forex brokers for 2016). What are the reasons of such a disappointing […]

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

7 advice of how to overcome a series of losses

Losses are an integral part of trading. All traders heard the advice to exit loss-making trades as soon as possible and to stay in profit-making trades as long as possible. This advice is easy to make but difficult to implement in real life.

What futures and a futures contract are

What futures and a futures contract are

Futures trading always was a profitable business, even before exchanges emerged. The earliest mention of a futures operation can be found in Politics by Aristotle, written as early as in 335-322 BC. Aristotle narrates a story about a wise man from Miletus named Thales who pulled a clever trick.

9 popular strategies of option trading on CME

What are options? How to trade them? What are advantages and disadvantages of option trading on an exchange? What are risks and benefits? This article, which is based on the knowledge of a trader with more than 20 years of exchange trading experience, will help you to find correct answers. First, let us figure out […]