Volume Analysis

How to Use Stock Volume

How to Use Stock Volume to Improve Your Trading

Volume indicators are among the most advanced groups of analytical tools in trading. Unlike traditional indicators, they use data beyond just price action, offering a different dimension of market analysis. Volume reveals the actual activity of market participants, showing how many assets were bought and sold over a given period.  This type of analysis helps traders […]

Trading Basics

What Is Trading and How Does It Work?

Trading refers to the process of buying and selling financial instruments, such as stocks, currencies, futures, and cryptocurrencies to make a profit. The ATAS platform was built by traders for traders, offering unique tools to navigate the financial markets effectively. In this article, we will explain the basics of trading to help you get a […]

Order Flow

Order Flow in Trading | Free Training by ATAS

Order Flow is a specialized trading approach that focuses on buy and sell volumes to gain insights into market dynamics.  By analyzing Order Flow, traders can get a clearer picture of the supply-demand balance, evaluate the strength of each side of the market, and anticipate potential moves. This analysis helps traders form a clear view […]

Supply And Demand Zones

What Are Supply And Demand Zones In Trading?

Supply and demand zones are essential concepts in trading, based on the idea that the prices of financial instruments are driven by the balance between sellers (supply) and buyers (demand). These zones mark price levels where significant buying or selling activity is expected, potentially influencing price movement in a big way. While it might seem […]

Halloween Trading Strategy. What Is It and Is It Worth Using?

For most, Halloween is an evening of scary costumes, candy and pumpkins. But for traders, the date is associated with the stock trading strategy of the same name. What’s behind this seasonal anomaly, and why are certain months considered more profitable for investing? We’ll talk about this and more in our article. Read more: Origins […]

The Wyckoff Method

The Wyckoff Method: Making Money the Wyckoff Way

Richard Wyckoff is a legendary figure in the stock market, renowned for his contributions to understanding market behavior by analyzing price and volume interactions. Toward the end of his life, he developed a unique trading method, and its key principles are still relevant and in demand today. Learn more: Richard Wyckoff and His Theory Four […]

Volatility Meaning in Finance and How It Works

Volatility: Meaning in Finance and How It Works With Stocks

The word “volatility” comes from the Latin “volātilis” (meaning flying, quick, temporary, changeable). In the context of financial markets, volatility refers to the ability of a financial asset’s price (such as stocks, futures, or cryptocurrencies) to fluctuate. Different assets have varying levels of volatility due to their risk levels and market dynamics. For example, Bitcoin […]

A Trading Strategy Based on Volume Profile

Test of the mini-POC Level: A Trading Strategy Based on Volume Profile

In this article, we will talk about a trading strategy designed to help you join the main trend in an easy way when an intermediate pullback (correction) ends. This material is packed with charts and keeps the text to a minimum. Read more: The Core Concept of the Strategy and Why It Works Examples on […]

Order Book

Order Book Trading. How to Trade Using the Order Book

The order book is data provided by the exchange that shows the total amount of limit buy (bid) and sell (ask) orders placed by traders at each price level. Its value lies in reflecting the actual levels of supply and demand. However, using it effectively in trading comes with certain challenges. In this article, we […]