Volume Analysis
Lifehacks and flat trading strategies
/in Strategies and PatternsFlat on the exchange is a widespread phenomenon and is characterised by small market volatility. It is believed that more than a half of its time the price stays in flat, because the trend stages develop faster than flat stages. We will speak in this article about: what flat is; how to trade it; why […]
How to trade profitably using Footprint charts
/in ATAS Capabilities, Cluster Charts (Footprint), Market Theory, Volume AnalysisFootprint charts appeared about 20 years ago, however, there’s still little information on this trading subject on the Internet. And there are no printed books at all, although Footprint is an efficient and modern instrument. ATAS has 25 variants of cluster charts. They show the number of bids and asks, number of seconds and trades […]
The order path from creation to execution on CME
/in Basics of Volume Analysis, Volume AnalysisThe present article contains a brief review of the existing procedure of the order execution on CME. This procedure depends on certain parameters initially set by a broker’s customer when forming orders. We will consider in this article what order types and qualifiers exist.
Strategy of using the footprint through the example of wti oil
/in Strategies and PatternsToday we continue a series of articles about the strategies of use of the Footprint chart through the examples of various financial instruments. This time we will consider the Footprint chart of crude oil, which is the most important financial instrument of the modern futures market. In this article: Review of the crude oil futures […]