Everything you need to know about Litecoin. How to invest in LTC

How to invest in Litecoin (LTC)?

Bitcoin frequently asked questions

Bitcoin frequently asked questions

Cryptocurrency trading 10 ways to make money

Cryptocurrency trading: 10 ways to make money and 1 way to lose

We, in the Orderflowtrading company, are not big fans of gambling, that is why we will forecast probability:

Review of special resources for cryptocurrency traders

Review of special resources for cryptocurrency traders

What People Do With Bitcoins

9 best cryptocurrency exchanges to trade on

In this review, we will consider the most popular exchanges where cryptocurrencies are traded. The goal of the review is to help the reader to make a selection of what cryptocurrency exchange to open a trading account on. Besides, we will not focus on technical issues, such as how to: register on the exchange; pass […]

Bitcoin Futures. Frequently Asked Questions

Starting from December 2017, the bitcoin rate has increased by more than 40% and its capitalization increased USD 200 billion for the first time in its nearly nine-year history. The bitcoin established a new historical high and reached the mark of USD 14,000 per cryptocoin. Analysts believe that one of the reasons for such an […]

The bitcoin boom: what is it all about?

ICO – investments in the new economy

Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is directed at attraction of investments through selling tokens (a token is a unit of value issued in the blockchain system) received in the result of a limited emission. Attraction of investments is the main goal of ICO which makes ICO similar to IPO (Initial Public Offering) in the stock market, […]