Tag Archive for: Trading patterns theory and practice

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Absorption of demand and supply in the footprint chart

Independent from what market you trade in, whether it is the Forex, futures or stock market, you will face absorption of minor market participants by major market participants every day. Today we will show you how this absorption looks like on a simple example of a Bid x Ask Volume Profile Footprint chart of the […]

How not to miss a Trend Reversal

How not to miss a Trend Reversal?

The Forex, futures and stock markets, as well as any car highway, are not a straight line from point A to point B. There are certain signs in the financial market, like there are signs on transport routes. In trading, the signs are those signals, which point to changes of the movement direction or trend […]

Как определить точку входа на бирже?

How to identify an entry point on an exchange?

An entry point in trading is a point of opening a position at the price, which was previously identified or calculated in accordance with a trading strategy (how to develop a trading strategy). The best entry point is the point which ensures low risk and high profit. We will speak in this article about how […]

TOP-7 Smart DOM setups for trading


Every trader wants to find 1 setup he can rely on. We give 7 of such setups! You can rely on them since we will discuss only those setups for intraday trading, which have the risk-reward ratio > 1:3. Setups for trading are based on real patterns of behaviour of buyers and sellers, which you […]

The magic of round numbers. What a trader should know

The magic of round numbers

From time to time we acquaint you with interesting analytical articles of foreign authors. Earlier we published a study of Jan Firich about breakouts of the initial balance and today we will discuss the meaning of round numbers in trading with currency pairs and futures. This article is based on materials of Carol Osler, a […]

Vertical volume analysis. Wyckoff methods and VSA

Vertical volume analysis. Wyckoff methods and VSA

“All trades leave indelible tracks on price and volume charts” – Alexander Elder Understanding of the market and search for profitable trades is the goal of any trader. Analysis of interconnections of movement of the price and vertical volumes increases chances of its achievement. In this article: What the vertical volume is Rules of volume […]

The Auction Market Theory. The most important things

The market profile trading becomes more and more popular among traders nowadays. The Auction Market Theory (AMT) lies in the basis of the market profile. We already discussed the market profile subject when we wrote about horizontal volumes and about how to improve trading using the market profile. Let’s continue elaboration of this subject.

Кластерный анализ и VSA. Аккумуляции и дистрибуции

Cluster analysis and VSA. Accumulations and distributions

This is the final article of the Cluster Analysis and VSA series. We considered the following in the previous articles: Bag Holding and End of Rising market patterns; No Demand and No Supply patterns; Buying and Selling climax patterns; Shakeout and Upthrust patterns. Today’s topic is Accumulations and Distributions. Two out of four stages of […]

“Стакан цен”. Как торговать

How to trade using Smart DOM. ATAS lifehacks.

Do you agree that you can endlessly watch three things: how the fire burns, how the water runs and how another person works? Do not believe in restrictions: you also can endlessly watch how orders are changed in the order book. In this article we will focus on methods of making profit with the help […]