Strategies and Patterns

Strategy of using the footprint through the example of wti oil

Today we continue a series of articles about the strategies of use of the Footprint chart through the examples of various financial instruments. This time we will consider the Footprint chart of crude oil, which is the most important financial instrument of the modern futures market. In this article: Review of the crude oil futures […]

4 идеи как торговать пробои

4 ideas how to trade breakouts

In his book ‘Trades About to Happen: A Modern Adaptation of the Wyckoff Method’ David H. Weis gives a simple but important figure. It is called Where to Find Trades. The Figure is accompanied by a comparison which you will easily understand if you are a fisherman. Weis writes that the fish bites better at […]

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a russell 2000 e-mini)

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a russell 2000 e-mini)

In this article we will consider yet another strategy of applying the Footprint chart, this time for trading in the Russell 2000 E-mini market, which is quite popular among retail traders. The main reason for its popularity is that a lot of price movements and reversals take place in it. It facilitates emergence of wonderful […]

футпринт поглощение

Absorption of demand and supply in the footprint chart

Independent from what market you trade in, whether it is the Forex, futures or stock market, you will face absorption of minor market participants by major market participants every day. Today we will show you how this absorption looks like on a simple example of a Bid x Ask Volume Profile Footprint chart of the […]

Strategy of using the footprint (example of a currency futures)

We already wrote in our blog in detail about the most popular currency futures contracts, such as: EUR futures and GBP futures. Today we will go further and consider a simple but efficient strategy of using the Footprint through the example of one of these futures contracts. In this article: Advantage of the currency futures market. Basic principles. […]

Support and Resistance. Mirror levels. Trading strategy

Support and resistance levels are, no doubt, the most frequently used concepts of the market analysis. Support and resistance are used both in the classical technical analysis and in progressive directions – analysis of clusters, deltas and profiles. In this article, we will tell you not only about the classical side of application of the […]