Preparations Before Trading

Hedging currency-related risks

Hedging currency-related risks

What does hedging currency risks mean? In simple words, this is when a financial market participant performs an operation to insure himself against a possible negative influence, which can be exerted on his other operations by the currency exchange rate change. For example, when a US investor buys stock of an American company, denominated in […]

Watchlist, или списки наблюдения. Как эффективно пользоваться новым функционалом ATAS

What a Watchlist is. How to create it. How to set it up.

Watchlist is a configurable list of those financial instruments, which are the most interesting for a trader at a certain moment of time. It serves for quick access to them and increases convenience in working with them. In simple words it is a list of the ‘hottest’ markets. You can use a Watchlist to easily […]